by rsyadmin | Jul 19, 2017 | Blog, Family Constellations, Problems and Solutions, Relationships and Self-esteem, Resources for You
Being present for others’ suffering One of the hardest things is to watch someone we love struggle, and not being able to help. For example, seeing your child sick or angry, and knowing things have to take its course, there is nothing you can do to speed it up...
by rsyadmin | Feb 9, 2017 | Blog, Problems and Solutions, Relationships and Self-esteem, Resources for You
Lately I’ve been very aware of the fact that what we really want in our relationships is closeness. So maybe you’re lucky and when you ask yourself, “do I feel close (enough) to the people I love”, the answer is yes. But maybe you have to answer no, even though you...
by rsyadmin | Dec 7, 2016 | Blog, Family Constellations, Problems and Solutions, Relationships and Self-esteem
I love growing as a therapist and a human being. My newest source of inspiration is a course of family constellations, a systemic method which rather than looking only at the individual, tries to give solutions to difficult symptoms or problems in the light of the...
by rsyadmin | Mar 4, 2016 | Blog, Problems and Solutions, Relationships and Self-esteem
When I first started dating I learned a valuable lesson that keeps coming back to me in crucial moments in my live. I started seeing that American guy who was older, quite traditional, and more experienced then I. We went on our first date to a restaurant in Germany,...
by rsyadmin | Jan 26, 2016 | Blog, Depression and Demotivation, Problems and Solutions, Resources for You
Just a great book to read Having a son was one of the best things that ever happened in my life. It turned my world upside down. It challenged me in so many ways, it brought me to my limits and past them so many times, and sometimes it let me fail with my ideals in...
by rsyadmin | Oct 20, 2015 | Blog, Children, Problems and Solutions, Relationships and Self-esteem
I have never worried in a similar way than how I worry about my son. Likewise, I could say, that I have never loved in a similar way, and never gotten to my limits and been confronted with myself in a similar way. My wish to help my son grow and for him to be happy...