My Story

This is how Reconnective Healing® found me.

Reconnective Healing in My Life

Coincidences, Intuition and Flow

Reconnective Healing found me when I was laying in bed, worn out, sick, and probably depressed. I was indebted, exhausted, and miserable. RH has made its way into my life by sheer unexplainable attraction, and through my intuition and a series of coincidences. I just felt that this was for me, and life made it easy. I did my Personal Reconnection, a once-in-a-lifetime 2 session experience of the Reconnective Frequencies that links your body’s energy points to the energy grid of the earth. It couldn’t have had more impact: after these two sessions I knew two things with absolute certainty:

1. I am not the same person that I was before. Everything is different – yet I didn’t know how.

2. I am absolutely and always in exactly the right place in exactly the right moment

After this, I stopped fighting. I ended the fight of the lawyers in my divorce, stopped fighting against the place and country where I lived, the health system, for my son’s health and education, my body, for finding clients – I just stepped aside every time, knowing that things were supposed to be easy, and that all I had to do was stop fighting, so I could “receive” a solution. It would just come. And the solutions came. Now I look back, and in just 18 months, my divorce is through, the conflictive points have been resolved to my liking, my son’s developmental problems are identified, and he’s doing better than ever. My work is happening from a place of flow and love, I am going to move back to my country, and life is just – so much lighter and easier, in a different flow.

Every time I met Eric Pearl in person and went to presentations and workshops, my life got inspired, energized, and turned upside down. I reemerged every time, changed, but feeling better. More creative, more peaceful, more trusting – and simply, more me. I understand that as we expose ourselves to the frequencies, we entrain with them, and they become a part of who we are.

After my O.N.E. experience, the 2.5 days presential training program, I was totally changed. I had experienced, on the most profound level, that I AM WHOLE. I knew and know that I am whole and there is nothing that needs to be different. I don’t have to constantly work on myself trying to improve my energy and to feel better – I am already everything I could possibly be. I am connected right now to my past and future, and everything can just unfold. That’s when I decided to dedicate my life to RH – and to reaching many more people, opening the doors to them that will bring healing and wholeness – in whatever way is best for them.

Now I have a constant sensation of peace, accompanying me every day. I perceive differently, with less judgment, and from an observer’s position. It’s almost like being in different inner states at the same time: I can be scared, but at the same time there is that peace. All the negative emotions change by themselves, and much faster. Everything is sped up. My mind is calmer. And where there used to be a sense of control, planning, and worry, I now feel trust, observe coincidences and ease, and flow.

The process of these frequencies getting to be so present in my life was and is one of letting go of fear, and surrendering control. But really, we just surrender the idea that we have control. Because we never had it to begin with. I have experienced higher states of consciousness before. But the amazing thing about the Reconnective Healing frequencies is that they come to us, to anyone, no matter how “spiritually mature” we are. They expand us, and raise our awareness. And there is no condition – only for you to say YES.

The RH frequencies also make us want to connect. They connect us with ourselves, other people, repressed emotions, our own past. When I used to separate from something negative, isolating myself in order to feel better – now I connect. And in the connection, we get to experience beauty, healing, relief, and a growth and oneness that I could have never dreamed was possible.  

There are many details about this story, many magical moments I didn’t mention, many coincidences and surprises. You can read more in my blog. But most importantly – you will recognize them in your own life! It’s a magical path, and I hope you will feel as alive, joyful, peaceful and creative as I do, growing and enjoying a little more with the frequencies, every day. 


Johanna from Germany

I deal with situations now that were always a challenge for me in a completely different way. Now I face them, and they aren’t a challenge… Read more “Johanna from Germany”

Emily from the UK

With ReSource Yourself, I have reached freedom. The other day, we watched a movie and my sister asked me what “my word” was for myself. I answered “freedom” and then I realized, that is what I feel now. In just three sessions, the things I was worrying about just lifted! And I feel so much… Read more “Emily from the UK”

Melanie from Belgium

I was not in a good place but after 2 sessions of Reconnective Healing I feel completely different. I don’t know how but I know I’m strong and resourceful and that it will be ok somehow. I know I can do this, I know I’m enough. I feel lighter and it has an effect on… Read more “Melanie from Belgium”

Emily from California

Kat is probably the most compassionate, supportive and insightful person I have ever worked with. I made leaps and bounds of progress through working with her, and I can’t sing her enough praises. She’s got a gift that is absolutely… Read more “Emily from California”

Joanna from the US

I am in the moment, in the flow, and I am feeling better about things. I just can’t force myself to do anything anymore … I’m just gonna relax and not force it. I’m just not going to resist life anymore. I am going to see what… Read more “Joanna from the US”

Nuria from Spain

Thanks to Kat and despite my initial skepticism, I’ve gotten to heal things that seemed impossible to overcome – in a very short time. This is not therapy, it is magic … and healing power. Thanks, Kat, for your dedication, your enthusiasm and love with which you do your… Read more “Nuria from Spain”

Xin from China

You let me see a different world – one I was dreaming of. I didn’t realize I can really reach it and be it. It’s amazing. Life goes on – and it will be more… Read more “Xin from China”

Maria-Dolores from Spain

I’ve managed to heal my relationship with money and my work. Also some aspects of myself in relationships with others: my partner, my parents – and I can apply this to any other relationship. When I only think of Kat, my heart opens and warmth comes out, and now I can say – that is… Read more “Maria-Dolores from Spain”

Paula from Brasil

I feel more connected with something whole, and I spend less time in pain. There is a feeling that I am sooo happy about just being here. I can look at myself almost like from outside, and say “WOW, what a great opportunity to live and what wonderful conditions and experiences!”. I’ve never known such… Read more “Paula from Brasil”

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+34 678 822 839

Völkersbach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany