You are whole
Reconnect yourself and receive

Reconnective Healing
…connects us with our true self and opens the door to a profound balance and healing in our lives. The most immediate way to experience Reconnective Healing for yourself is by having a one-to-one session. Using the latest web conferencing technology this works whether you are in Beijing, Baltimore or Berlin.

Personal Reconnection
Life can be an experience of flow and ease when we learn to receive. Beyond the benefit of your original healing session(s), the Personal Reconnection accelerates your life progress and the way you experience and express yourself, your life, and your life purpose. It is done only once in a lifetime and creates peace and a deep knowingness that guides you.

Reconnective Art
Reconnective Healing brings out our talents and creativity – and in my case, it strongly enhanced my creative expression. Creating is always a healing process to me. I start with anything that calls my attention – and don’t stop before I can see the light and wholeness, and find peace in the depth of existence. Check out my creations and how they affect you.

Hi! I’m Katharina Seidler
Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner
Although I’m a classically trained psychologist, my journey has led me to explore many other types of therapy and healing, and my approach was a fusion of many of these – until Reconnective Healing showed me that we are already whole. So now I know how we can get out of the cycle of constantly “working” on ourselves and always having to transcend another and another inner hurdle: We need to remember who we are and allow ourselves to be guided by the truth of it. My path is opening the doors to this experience of wholeness, healing and balance to as many people as possible. My clients come from all over the world and all walks of life. But whether stars of stage or screen or stay-at-home moms, they all share the same vision. To heal themselves, to become the person they truly are and love, to feel peaceful, experience joy, and to evolve a little more every day. If you’ve been looking for something more, you might just have found it.

Are you ready for your life to be changed?

Reconnective Healing is more.
Reconnective Healing® are evolutionary frequencies containing a bandwidth of energy, light and information. They have the capacity of awakening us to our real potential and purpose, and to bring balance to where we most need it.
Reconnective Healing is not about curing symptoms, but about becoming one with ourselves and experiencing something deeply connecting that goes beyond our reasonable mind and our linear understanding of reality. In the triangle of practitioner – client – frequencies, we can receive healing on different levels of our existence (physical, mental, emotional, or as resolution in specific areas of our life). All we have to do is set our expectations and hopes aside, and open up to what life has to give to us!
Contact me to find out more or directly book in a session to let your life be transformed.

Reconnective Healing Changes

Contact Me
Ask a question below or book an appointment. I’ll get back to you by email as soon as I can – usually within a day or so. You can also join our Facebook community, follow my Youtube Channel or blog, and reach me via Facebook or using the details below.