Reconnective Art

It just flows. I love it. I need it.

I’ve always been a creative and artistic person. Before Reconnective Healing, I had times in which creative processes were very important. But it has never been as consuming as now.

My art is connected with the inner transformation I experience. It is the visual output of suffering turning into peace. I have this need to express what I feel and experience. And ever since becoming a Reconnective Healing® professional, I’ve gotten the gift of colors, objects and images that help me do that. Something has opened up in me – and it brings out a talent I’ve always had in a strong, colorful, clear and incessant way.

Creating art is the one process where my spiritual connection and my physical existence come together perfectly in balance. Every piece contains a part of me, is deeply felt, and moves me to the core of my existence. I hope that it can touch you and your life in an equally deep way.

Flow of Life – SOLD

Everything constantly changes. We are part of something bigger, a drop of water in the sea of life, and we re-define ourselves again and again. As we do so, we radiate out who we are, and we effect our surroundings and change the shape of life, at least for a moment, at least in a momentary perception. We may not even be aware of how we impact the lives of others. This picture is a celebration of the constant creation which we are, and of the balance in our awareness – between our infinite source and our human existence and meaning.

appr. 100cm x 120cm mixed media acrylic painting

Self-Portrait – NOT FOR SALE

I’ve been working on this self-portrait for almost two years. I’ve always felt not very grounded, and have been searching within myself for this connection of my intuition, sensitivity, and knowingness, with a stable way of being in this world. It’s through my experiences with Reconnective Healing® that everything came together. One day I looked at it, and I knew: It’s done. This is me.

I Bring Light

This painting is one of a series of two that I made for my son, and a child that I lost early in the pregnancy.

My son Eric has a rare genetic condition that keeps him from being able to speak. Yet he expresses so much, and he reaches people on such a deep level. He radiates light, makes people smile, brings them together. This painting was my way of connecting with his soul’s purpose.

30cm x 40cm mixed media acrylic painting

I Bring Balance

This painting is one of a series of two that I made for my son, and a child that I lost early in the pregnancy.

Loosing a child, even if it was only in an early stage of the pregnancy, was one of the most impacting and existential experiences I had. Beyond the pain, you search for meaning, understanding, peace. This painting was my way of connecting with this soul who I believe to be my daughter, and my answer to why she was never born.

30cm x 40cm mixed media acrylic painting


Life of Heart I – Heart of Life SOLD

Our heart makes us who we are. It transforms as we live, and sustains its qualities in the face of whatever walls we try to put up to protect ourselves. Much of the beauty, joy and growth we experience is a result of becoming more heart-centered. In return, our hearts and love get nurtured through life itself as it presents more and more opportunities to become love, rather than receive it. Our hearts are the center of connecting. In love, we allow any experience, even the painful ones. Through love, they transform.

mixed media on a wooden plate, 31cm diameter

Life of Heart II – Connectedness

This is about becoming love, rather than receiving it. It is about love in our lives, as a quality of who we are, and a quest for discovery. It is also about the loves in our lives, people, places, things – the ones that are unfulfilled or connected through pain, and accepting that connection as a part of us, and as exactly what we need to grow. Last but not least, it’s about the love we have for ourselves, that sustains us, and allows us to be us. 

mixed media on a wooden plate, 31cm diameter

Life of Heart III - Safe

Life of Heart III – Safe

Being able to be loving has a lot to be with being vulnerable. When we open up our hearts and hold space for our own vulnerabilities, fears and insecurities, we can be rewarded with exquisit, deep connections and experiences. This piece had me experimenting with different materials  and textures in a process that allowed me to become more loving on so many levels – and I hope it invites you to do the same.   

mixed media on canvas, appr. 40cm diameter

Source – SOLD

Throughout my adult life, I have repeatedly experienced very high states of consciousness. Everything blends into nothingness, there is no suffering, only peace, and a delicate silence that means everything. I learned that especially when I go through very deep suffering, and I let go, surrender to life, I can become one, and not only know that I am, but be it – at least for a little while. This painting was inspired by one of these states.

40cm x 60cm acrylic painting


Sometimes you just know that something is right for you. You are sure within yourself, but you still don’t see it in your manifested reality. We can feel unsure when we cannot touch or see a reality. But then what do we do with our inner knowingness? We can’t abandon our intuition. When life is turbulent and full of movement, we have to believe. We have to know and believe that we are whole, and that we enough, and just right in every moment. Life unfolds exactly in the way that is perfect for us. In our capacity to believe lies peace.

40cm x 60cm acrylic painting

Life Gives to Me

Reconnective Healing brings out our fears, and as we are courageous enough to go through, releases them. One of my big fears was giving more than I receive. I just couldn’t believe that I would get what I need or deserve. This painting is what happened when that fear transformed into peace.

40cm x 60cm, mixed media acrylic painting

Trust – SOLD

In some life situations we cannot see clearly. We see and perceive, but we don’t know what it means. The pieces are moving, and we experience insecurity. we go through loss, and all this space is created in our lives, for something new to come. When things get tough, we have to trust that there is a meaning behind what we are going through, that it will help us grow, and that life will transform into something even better. We have to trust that life will take form, and we will find a new self in a new expanded life reality.

25cm x 30cm acrylic painting


Abundance is an inner state. It is not a reaction to something that we have or get. It is a state of appreciation, gratitude, and marveling in the joy of being alive. Abundance is a quality of who we are. And as so many of the qualities of our eternal existence – peace, love, creativity, beauty – we cannot always perceive it. We are not always aware of HOW abundant we are. Receiving – that’s the skill we can develop in order to be more aware of our abundance. We learn to open up to what is coming towards us, what life has to give to us. And we learn to appreciate and see just that: the beauty of imperfection, the perfection of the broken, the power of flow, the richness of just being.

22cm x 57cm mixed media acrylic painting, framed 37cm x 73cm

Settling Storm

This piece started very practically – with a triptych frame and new water color pencils that excited my phantasy and creativity. I explored the bright colours and transparency, and soon realised that all the excitement needed to find grounding and  stillness, like the silence after a storm. 

The process stimulated for so many memories and life situations to cross my awareness, and it really reminds me of the many-faceted faces of the sea, a nurturing place that I feel strongly and carry with me. From childhood on it has allowed me to be me, but also to feel, calm down, find comfort, and expand as a person. 

12cm x 17cm each, 52cm x 26 cm framed

I Am Filled With Unlimited Value

Reconnective Healing® are frequencies of energy light and information. I am almost “obsessed” with the light aspect these days. I feel the light in my heart, and the light coming through my eyes. I can see that light in other people, and it always touches my heart in the most exquisite way. It is not only visible, but tangible. My idea for this picture was to somehow capture that sensation of light and the peace, beauty and aliveness it brings. As I painted, the phrase “I am filled with unlimited value” came into my mind and stayed there – filling me with a drive to continue this painting and lifting me up into a very different kind of awareness while I painted – and every time I look at it.

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Receiving – SOLD

Receiving is a big theme in my work and my life. How can we open up? How can we feel worthy of receiving?

Receiving in my life means opening up to experiencing, and to discovering yourself anew. As I experience the RH frequencies on a daily basis, it is like discovering layers, experiencing the waves a drop makes when falling into the water. It may give me a sense of not being permanent, being in motion, being a constant creation. Yet in its entirety, what I receive is beautiful, meaningful and … just me.   

15cm x 15 cm acrylic painting

Summer Day

I’ve been wanting to bring the sea onto canvas for a long time. This painting has been been sleeping within me. And when it came out, it totally surprised me. I felt the colors first, and experimented with new gold nuances – and then I saw something on the canvas that I feel very often: The sensation that there are different parallel realities, different levels of awareness, integrating and coexisting with each other. The process of living with the Reconnective Healing frequencies has so much to do with experiencing the connection of our Source, who we really are, with the day to day happenings. It makes you go deeper, feel deeper, connect more with everything you get to experience, and creates a joy in its beauty – just like the joy I feel when I dive into the world of this piece. The light of a summer day can create that sensation and bring about that joy, just like the light in a person’s eyes, or the light reflecting in me while I drive.

50cm x 100 cm mixed media acrylic painting

A Magical Winter’s Night

Winter is the time when things come to a halt. It may be a time of letting go and facing death and endings in all their tangible and not so tangible forms. It is also a time of regeneration and for looking inside. It’s a time to go slow and sometimes, a time in-between.

This December I got to experience a walk through the winter night that was absolutely magical. Everything was cold and white and connected – like wrapped in cotton. In the foggy cold night, nothing could be seen as it all blended into shades of white and grey – yet it felt so beautiful, comforting and calming. I could even “feel the sparkling light within the foggy white” – it was a truly indescribable experience. So this piece is my attempt at at least trying to express the feeling, if not the visual experience. 

24cm x 30cm mixed media acrylic painting

Klang – Sound – SOLD

When we sing, sound is created. Sound can be felt as our body vibrates. Each tone is a vibration, just like life. As we search for the beautiful sound, the vibration that moves and connects, we can express ourselves and become one with the vibration of the music, life, and creation. As we make music, we create. We give life to an experience that is absolutely tangible and alive, and that ceases to exist when the sound concludes. And sometimes, if we get lucky, that creation of sound brings us close to something absolutely authentic, beautiful and bright. 

I created this piece for a friend who is a singer and teaches singing. May it bring aliveness, movement, vibration, authenticity and creativity to the room she teaches in and the people discovering their own sound.

mixed media on canvas, appr. 40cm diameter

In Life – SOLD

I am life, life is me. There are infinite possibilities and experiences that potentially fill every moment with joy, beauty and aliveness – if we allow the flow of life through our awareness and don’t resist what it presents to us.

I wanted to find and express this playfulness, joy and awe life evokes in me and find the eternal cycle of creation and becoming in the current moment. Depth, incredible power, and playful joy are just some of the experiences I encountered in the process. 

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting


This painting is very dear to my heart as it represents the surprises life sometimes has in store for us. I wanted to do a piece with soft pink tones, warm colours, one that would diverge from my more habitual colour pallet. It was inspired by a beautiful art nouveau building, an iron gate and a garden that told magical stories.

When I left the room for a minute, my son decided that he wanted to explore painting and poured bright red paint onto the canvas. I was in shock, but rather than going into anger I decided to accept it as part of the process. Layers and layers of paint kept transforming the image – allowing the forms and objects to emerge and disappear – and to manifest themselves.   

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Opening Up

Opening up to the gifts of life, its surprises and opportunities, was a theme I explored for a while when I learned to receive. 

I felt that the intensity of life’s possibilities expressed itself in all shades of red – and then explored its transformation into different colours, layers, dimensions and forms. I could feel the sensation of old and new times, the joy, innocence and perfection of the flower emerging from constant movement and transformation. 

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Seeing the Light 

As Reconnective Healing® keeps transforming me and my life, I am repeatedly having the experience that I AM LIGHT. In the beginning, this was just a figure of speech – but then I had this deep recognition that this is a truth relevant to my being. It touched my heart and soul – and I tried to bring the sensation that accompanied this knowingness onto canvas. Turns out that the way to capture it was with different textures, shades of gold, and bright white and blue beams of light. 

60cm x 75 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Everything Vibrates 

Another deep state of being and knowingness that first came into my life through the Reconnective Healing® Experience was the awareness of the fact that EVERYTHING VIBRATES.

Again, I was just trying to capture the feeling of this inner state on canvas – and then got surprised by this landscape that showed itself, connecting water, land and sky. If I look at it differently, I also see the connection of the different shades and colours that vibrate together and create a new whole, and that somehow dissolve dimensions by bringing what’s far close, and vice versa. 

40cm x 60 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Horizons – SOLD

This mixed media creation is the biggest one I have done so far, and it was a contracted work for a doctor’s office in Swizzerland. As I took on the challenge, I realised that I can feel places and their energetic needs in the same way I perceive people and their energetic situation. Painting and creating this piece was almost like holding space in therapy, giving impulses and allowing for whatever is willing to transform to arise.

It became very clear to me that the patients in this waiting room would need to get out of fear, and that they need grounding and a change in perspective. Horizons happened for me in different layers of this painting, and they depict the fading of earth into water, water into light, water, light and air into each other. I also found horizons, where anxiety meets peace and grounding, and where darkness meets bright golden openings. Even now, I can never look at it enough, as it opens up a space within me that goes deep and deeper and brings about a calm, strong groundedness.

I Am Amazing

Blue and red tones for me represent different aspects of myself – the transient and multidimensional, heavenly one, and the earthly, human and grounded one. The light blue often comes up as an incredibly beautiful, uplifting, loving or Godly experience within me.

As I created this field of colours and movement, of light and reflections bringing openings and including deeper aspects of the eternal being in the human one, I felt many layers of my being connecting and coming into ONE. It became powerful, still, and beautiful… and the words that filled my mind were “I AM AMAZING”.

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Bright New World – NOT FOR SALE

This mixed media painting  I made as a gift to a very dear friend who has been vital to my growth and the improvement of my life in the last years.

I “tuned into her energy” and started with greens and gold. I really allowed the picture to speak to me. Then came blue, and I discovered how water will wash out parts of the previous layers. At one point, I saw “the earth” emerging, felt the light coming through, and found the points of connection and support that created a new balance in the picture. It fits the way I perceive this friend and the deeply connecting experiences we share.

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting

Rainy Sunday 

I love the different moods and atmospheres in weather experiences, the moments in-between, the extreme experiences, the raw force of nature and all its transitions. 

This painting I created on a RAINY SUNDAY. Looking out the window, the different worlds and dimensions seemed to flow into each other, and I felt a deep sense of exquisite beauty as the water dripped, flowed and ran down. Colours blended, and I could only intuit the world and shapes that lay in from of my window. As I brought the paint onto the canvas, my heart stilled and my body and mind found beauty and peace within. 

40cm x 40 cm mixed media acrylic painting


For many years, my best and happiest moments were those I experienced in disconnection from the earth, the human existence, and the body. Of course my human existence was always there, but I never paid much attention – until my son was born.

This piece is an exploration of glow-in-the-dark paint, sand, the light of the sun and the infinite sensation I know from looking out of the window of an airplane. So it exposes different aspects of existence in different exposures to light – and surprisingly brings a sensation for grounding into the landscape of the clouds in the sky, or etherial qualities into the mountains exposed by the first beams of light.

24cm x 30cm mixed media acrylic painting

Days in the Light 

In October 2022 I spent a few days with some very dear women friends in Paris. I had known them for two years in strictly online experiences – and I am deeply connected to them on a personal level, but also through the experience and facilitation of Reconnective Healing®. When you live with RH for a while, your perception and awareness change and allows you to be aware of your eternal self in many daily moments. Being with these beautiful souls brought about an intense sensation of light and vibration, that initially was almost overwhelming. I returned from these calm and peaceful days in the flow of life a changed woman. I keep discovering new aspects in myself that I have before only seen in my friends. And I know for sure that I AM LIGHT, and that I deserve to express this and share this with the world in any way I can conceive and desire.

When I look at this picture now, I find this process and its aspects: so much joy that is almost overwhelming, the lightness, the excitement, the connections… I find that the original, in oppose to this photo, also gives me peace and calmness, a quiet joy of existing and being me. 

24cm x 30cm mixed media acrylic painting

A New Balance 

Being in a healthy and balanced partnership is an important experience I want to make. After a hefty divorce and repeated very difficult and emotionally dependent relationships, I decided that I first needed to heal my inner parts and find a new balance and expression of the masculine and feminine. This painting accompanied that process and depicts a relationship space full of surprises and beauty. To me, it still shows the old ancient, ancestral and heavy experiences that this balance arose from, but also different layers of color and texture that bring in other dimensions of joy and love, and a clear grounding of beauty. I never intended to bring out the man, nor the dancing heart woman. But they showed up, and I got to find and discover them. They tell me and show me that all the love we need is already within us, and that it makes us shine and be at our best as we receive and perceive it.  Love is easy, partnership is balanced, and all love starts by loving ourselves.

40cm x 60cm mixed media acrylic painting

Infinite Love 

In an inner process, I experienced the blue beauty of infinite and unconditional love. It was such an exquisite and healing experience that I wanted to bring it onto canvas and thereby remind myself all the time – “I AM LOVED”. 

I started with the light blue that was as intense as and best represented the experience – wanting to create the sensation of being drawn in and being nurtured at the same time. I discovered the growth and blooming, and the beauty that really is the grand opener to the sensation and exploration of love. 

Other than acrylic paint, I used gold, sand, silk paper and different glitter. With this painting, the three-dimensional texture and sensations in the original are much stronger than in the photo – but I still wanted to share what can be captured here anyways.   

80cm x 80cm mixed media acrylic painting

Explosion of Light

This painting depicts the process of layers of light exploding into existence, creating a physical manifestation of light and beauty. It allowed me to feel the multidimensional flow of something coming into physical form, connecting the infinite potential of existence with its tangible experience as the creation of life in my awareness.

I loved exploring with new materials, like glow-in-the-dark paint. So at night, this painting has you in for a surprise!

80cm x 80cm mixed media acrylic painting

Flow forward. Flow forward. Like a wave, it cannot be stopped. It moves. 

Solomon Speaks (page 36, by Dr. Eric Pearl and Frederick Ponzlov)