
When we think of love, we easily think of having a partner. Specifically, we have this concept of THE ONE, the person to make us happy and love us as we are. But that concept puts the source of love outside of us, and thereby makes us vulnerable, and brings a lot of frustration and tension into our relationships. It’s just too much to expect another person to make us feel loved.

Love can be seen as a state of consciousness, and as such it is much more about our way of being and perceiving. It can be associated with beauty, gratitude, forgiveness, flow, creativity, joy – and lots of other wonderful experiences.

The access to love is first and foremost love towards ourself. And being able to experience that has to do with believing that we are worthy of love.

This meditation is an invitation to become aware of and release all the preconceptions and blockages that keep you from knowing that you are worthy of love, and from accessing a consciousness level of love in the first place. It is a journey that allows you to experience love and to bring it into every aspect of your life. And when you give and live love – life will surely mirror it back to you!