Albert Schweitzer once said “Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it”. I’ve always loved this quote. Today it came to my mind and made me think that while beautiful, and surely founded in truth, there are definitely other things that multiply when we share them: at the very least I am sure about love, and gratitude. (And maybe in Albert Schweitzer’s mind, love and gratitude are included in what he calls happiness.)
Whatever the case, let’s put it to a test today with a precise and easy task:
Tell someone that you love them.
I want you to tell at least one person, and to tell them in a way that makes them REALLY feel it. Take the time to look into their eyes, or hug them, do something special for them, make a special gesture – reach them in any way that let’s them know, you mean it! Maybe even tell the person what it is that you love about them – I am sure, the more details you share, the stronger they will feel it. Or explain to them how it is for you, to experience this love for them.
And then, observe how you feel when you tell someone that you love them. Is it true, that love multiplies as we share it?
If you are not sure, by all means, try telling a few more people. If we believe Albert Schweitzer, it’s clear: The more, the happier!
How does expressing your love feel to you? How did the other person react? What did you learn? Please share your experiences as a comment below or post a comment or picture on my facebook page.
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So far, I’ve told two people that I love them. First, my son. He just put his little arms around my neck and gave me one of those wet kisses. You just wish that the moment would never end….
And then, I spontaneously told a client how much I appreciated her and how I loved her way of being in the world. We experienced a mutual and surprising moment of appreciation and love – I am still smiling at the memory of it. How was it for you?