Winter is the time when things come to a halt. It may be a time of letting go and facing death and endings in all their tangible and not so tangible forms. It is also a time of regeneration and for looking inside. It’s a time to go slow and sometimes, a time in-between.

For me it has been a time to recover and rest, and a time to express myself and make art. A very different piece came out of this moment in time – when I look at it I am so surprised about the colors and materials, and about how it all plays together.

Let me share my moment of inspiration:

This December I got to experience a walk through the winter night that was absolutely magical. Everything was cold and white and connected – like wrapped in cotton. In the foggy cold night, nothing could be seen as it all blended into shades of white and grey – yet it felt so beautiful, comforting and calming. I could even “feel the sparkling light within the foggy white” – it was a truly indescribable experience. So this piece is my attempt at at least trying to express the feeling, if not the visual experience.
















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