A few days ago you connected with another person. Today I am inviting you to connect with yourself. Only when we are in alignment with who we really are, that’s when we can feel strong and powerful, calm and confident. It’s when we can access our innate wisdom. And only when we nurture ourselves and are connected with who we truly are, we can give to others without depleting ourselves and ending up exhausted and worn out.
I tell my clients many times that everything they really need in order to grow and resolve their issues is already within them. We have a deep inner wisdom about what is right for us, and what are our next steps to take, or how we can best grow. We just have to tap into it and “listen to our soul”. An that’s what I propose you do today:
Take 10-15 minutes to meditate and connect with yourself.
Let your subconscious give you the message you need to hear or understand today.
This is how you can do it:
- Sit down comfortably and close your eyes.
- Concentrate on your breathing and let your attention drift: As you inhale you let it go wherever it choses, and exhaling, you let go of what you just perceived.
- Relax into the rhythm of this breathing circle.
- when you’re relaxed, connect with your inner wise person, or with whatever represents the wisdom of your soul.
- Ask the question: What is my next step? What do I need to learn or understand today?
- And then keep breathing, be present with whatever you experience, and allow it to come up.
- Do not pressure yourself. Just trust that the knowledge is within yourself, and allow yourself to receive and perceive it. Remember the subconscious communicates in metaphors – so it may not be a verbal response. Just feel and stay present, and you will understand what it means for you.
- Once you have, take a few deep breaths and focus back on your body, allowing it to move in order to bring you back into your normal daily awareness.
How did this process go for you? Please leave a comment below or on my facebook page.
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I do this meditation quite frequently as a way of centering myself and focusing on what’s really important to me. Today the phrase that came up and resonates so much is “stay in the joy”. That’s what I intend to do… and I will use it as a affirmation. Let’s see what experiences it brings…